Jason Russo - Vocals
Dave Jerozal - Guitar
Rob Guido - Guitar
Chris Cappiello - Bass
Jeff Kolodziej - Drums
- Formed in 2009, the band performs a tribute to Iron Maiden
- The members of the band perform with other groups – Dave with both Metal 101 and Straight Jacket
- They have a mascot they call Eddie

Don Daley - Lead Guitar
Tony Cascio - Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
Larry Papsidero - Rhythm Guitar
John Sisti - Bass, Keyboards, Vocals
Joe Mason - Drums, Vocals
- Mike Balon , who is their sound/lighting engineer plays occasional bass guitar with them
- Backbeat 64 is a “Musical Memory Tour” that concentrates on the early music of the Beatles
- They also perform post-Beatle hits from the Beatles solo careers
- In 2010 they played a benefit for Sweet Home High School to raise money for their music department
- Band is taking the winter off and will return with new material in the spring of 2011
- Website: www.backbeat64.com

John Connelly - Bass, Vocals
Russ Thomas - Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
Frank Grizanti - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Ned Wood - Keyboards, Vocals
Gary Astridge- Drums, Vocals
- The BBC was formed in 2002 when Drummer Gary Astridge held Beatle jam sessions twice a month
- When John ,from Switch, first sang with Russ Thomas ,of Beatlemania, the core group developed so they decided to form a band
- With the addition of Ned Wood and Frank Grizanti The BBC was born
- Ned & Frank are both members of the band Weekend and the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame
- The BBC is a group of WNY musicians dedicated to capturing the original sound of The Beatles and the music of the 60’s.
- Website: TheBBCband.com
Russ 'John' Thomas - Guitar, Vocals
Mike 'George' Kiel - Guitar, Vocals
Nelson 'Paul' Starr - Bass, Vocals
Ned 'Billy' Wood - Keyboards
Chris 'Ringo' Mattioli -Drums
- Formed in 1999, as the Revivals, a band that performed 60’s material and one set of the Beatles
- Beatles material was so well received they decided to concentrate on a fully costumed Beatles Tribute
- Their costumes range from the Beatles 1965 collarless jackets to Sgt. Pepper’s full psychedelic regalia
- Won BMA in 2007 for “Top Tribute Band”
- Beatlemagic has performed across the US and in Canada
- Russ and Ned are also members of the BBC
- Nelson and Chris also perform with Nelson Starr and the Benjamin’s
- Website: www.beatlemagic.com

Alison Rabbitt – Vocals
Clark Rabbitt – Guitar
Ron Rocco – Drums
Paul Baggs – Bass
- Dreamland was Pat Benatar Tribute Band
- Alison is now working on other projects and the band is on hiatus
- Clark continues to perform with All Jacked Up
- Hall of Fame drummer, Ron Rocco is now working with Widow Maker

Bobby Mejak – Vocals, guitar
Joe Dzialak – Guitar
Dave Mucha – Bass
Dave Dzialak – Drums
- Dead or Alive is a Bon Jovi Tribute Band
- When playing a mix of various artists they are billed as Supercharger
- For additional information see –Supercharger - under Rock Band category
- Web: www.deadoraliveband.com
Photo: John Dutkiewicz

Mike McGuire - Lead Vocals
Jonathan Connors - Guitar
Ric Stave - Bass
Dave Lutz- Drums
- Performs a tribute to Led Zeppelin
- CODA won a BMA for “ Best Tribute Band” in the 2005 Buffalo Music Awards
- For the past several years they have been the featured closing act at Canalfest of the Tonawanda’s
- Ric Stave is also a member of Disco Duck
- Mike McGuire is also the vocalist for Weekend

Bill Pfeiffer – Bass, Vocals
Johnpatrick Filutze – Drums
Matthew Johnson – Keyboards, Vocals
George Root – Lead Guitar, Vocals
Maria – Vocals – Kirsten – Vocals
- Hey You is a Tribute to Pink Floyd
- Won a BMA for “Top Tribute Band” in the 2010 Buffalo Music Awards
- Formed in 2006, the band attempts to recreate the experimental feeling Pink Floyd had with their music as well as their stage show
- Offers faithful renditions of Pink Floyd’s songs, along with a visual experience they hope the audience will never forget
- In 2011 they will be taking the Pink Floyd Show out of state
- Web: www.heyyoutribute.com

Bob Muhlbauer – Guitar, Vocals
Xeno – Bass, Vocals
Brendan Komenda – Drums, Vocals
- The Ozone Rangers, a ZZ Top Tribute band , was formed in 1979 with the original nucleus of Bob Muhlbauer, Don Syracuse (bass) and Henry Randazzo (drums)
- In 1983 they released the album “Long Way to Rock And Roll”
- They were nominated as a country rock band in the first BMA’s in 1981
- Their ZZ Top Tribute has taken them from Quebec to Florida. They toured with ZZ Top’s Eliminator car and performed at MTV’s Spring Break in Daytona
- They performed a one month tour of Pennsylvania prison concerts
- They opened for Willie Dixon, Marshall Tucker, Charlie Daniels and the Outlaws
- Website: www.ozonerangers.com
Photo: David Jarosz

Jimmy Pirate - Lead Vocals
Marty Peters - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Gary Gorski - Bass
Bill Moore - Drums
Tim Schroeder - Percussion
- Former members: Justin Kubiak (guitar), Jon Payne (guitar), Dave Rennicks (bass) and Dean O’Keefe (drums)
- Will be celebrating their 10th year together this summer
- Pirate Dreams routinely carries their own “tiki bar” to shows and events
- In 2006 recorded an original music CD entitled “Memento” and a new CD is being worked on for release in early 2011
- Jim and Marty have a duo called “Beach front Property”
- “Jimmy Pirate Acoustic” is Jimmy Pirates solo act
- Proudly boasts they never played “Mustang Sally” and never will
- Website: www.piratedreams.com
Photo: Timothy Phelan